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Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is a type of fungus that grows mainly on the bark of birch trees in cold climates, such as Northern Europe, Siberia, Russia, Korea, Northern Canada and Alaska. 

Chaga mushrooms have been used from centuries in Canada, Europe, Russia and other parts of Asia as a traditional medicine to boost immunity and improve diabetes health,  certain cancers and heart disease. Chaga extract can positively impact immunity by reducing long-term inflammation and fighting harmful bacteria and viruses.

Only over 15 years growing mature chaga can be harvested for supplying the benefits for human.  So it is the very valuable and rare healthy resources in the earth. 


加拿大和北美的浅水沼泽里,生长着大面积的野米。加拿大宽广的領土和得天独厚的地理环境造就了很多世界著名的有机超级食材。 加拿大野米其实是一种冰湖野草的种子,野生于无农药污染、不施肥、干净清澈和冰冷的的湖泊中。在冬季, 黑野米在冷冽冰湖下面富含营养浓郁"腐殖酸"和"富里酸"的黑泥中发芽;在春天,它慢慢长出了湖面;在夏季,享受漫长的阳光浴, 吸收日月精华;在浪漫的秋季, 黑野米种子成熟了。野米的收获全部都是人工划木船手工收割,然后用木棍轻轻敲打穂粒,因而产量不多。是珍稀的资源。

加拿大野米口感特別和其营养价值特別高,含有多糖类,四种人体必须氨基酸B1、B2、B6及维生素E,且富含稀有微量元素硒、镁、钙、铁、磷、钠、钾等,不含胆固醇、低脂肪、低热量,是入选的十大养生保健的超级食品之一,也是加拿大的癌症中心向癌症病患特別推荐的食物。癌症专家建议每天要摄取 25 -30 gm 的纤维,而野米含丰富纤维,吃高纤维的人很少得肥胖、心脏病、癌症等,並能预防消化不良、帮助食欲稳定。加拿大黑野米粥是补血养颜,防病强身的滋补佳品。因而也被称为谷物中的鱼子酱。

加拿大野米香爽和弹牙的口感和极高的营养价值征服了加拿大人、欧洲人和日本人。他們常用于主食和副食。厨师更创先用于制作甜点、汤、沙律和装饰搭配各种素食、高级海产和牛排餐食中。加拿大野米为人类提供了一个超级营养的天然补充品。因为这样, 加拿大和欧洲的营养专家也大力推荐黑野米來代替精制白米。

Wild rice (also called Canada rice, Indian rice, and water oats) is four species of grasses forming the genus Zizania, and the grain that can be harvested from them. The grain was historically gathered and eaten in North America. More benefits for human health has been found now. 

Wild rice annual grows in the Saint Lawrence River in Canada. The plants grow in shallow water in small lakes and slow-flowing streams; often, only the flowering head of wild rice rises above the water. The grain is eaten by dabbling ducks and other aquatic wildlife.

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